Just One More Stitch

Just One More Stitch or get to work on time. I really want to finish this project. What is a stitcher to do!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Another Finish - Another Laura J. Perin

Here is another Laura J. Perin that I finished months ago. It is also from her American Quilt Collection and is called Indian Summer. Kevin says I should call it off centered. See what happens when you have worked to many hours and come home and "feel" that you can start a project and it will end up fine???? Off centered. I am hoping that it will still be able to be framed. There is not alot there on the two sides. Maybe an inch, not much more. That is one thing that I need to get moving on and that is getting these things framed. Wow! Here it is Friday night and the fireworks have finally stopped. Think I will try and get some sleep. See you soon.


Blogger Lelia said...

Hi Tina: It is gorgeous!

I posted your question on my blog & found the TSA website [sent you the link]. The other person you might ask is Terry

knikster737 at sbcglobal dot net

she would know for sure

12:03 PM  
Blogger LivnLaf said...

That Laura Perrin piece is gorgeous!

7:47 PM  
Blogger Gina E. said...

This is absolutely sensational! I just clicked on it to see it closeup, and the metallic thread areas really liven it up, don't they?

10:13 AM  

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